本報從著名電影對白解析對話文法和單字,讓人輕易揣摩句型與背誦佳句;學習英文對話就從國際巨星的電影對白開始! (本電子報內容摘錄自《15分鐘英文早操》系列,貝塔語言出版)
Do Not Panic 別慌張
美一個人都知道,遇到緊急情況時要保持鎮定,不過知易行難。遇到緊急狀況時,最好有個像The Abyss(無底洞)Lt. Coffey(麥可貝恩飾)那樣的領導人提醒大家:Everybody just stay calm. The situation is under control.
Everybody? Listen carefully. Yes, that is a shark. A tiger shark. And yes, he’s behaving a bit aggressively. I want everyone to swim slowly towards me. Do not panic. Nobody is bleeding, are they? Good. You must stay calm. Everything’s almost under control. I’m trained to handle situations like this. We’re going to form a circle and face out. Good. Tiger sharks will eat almost anything, but they don’t usually attack humans. I mean, it’s rare. If he does happen to come in, punch him in the gills.
Do Not Panic 別慌張
美一個人都知道,遇到緊急情況時要保持鎮定,不過知易行難。遇到緊急狀況時,最好有個像The Abyss(無底洞)Lt. Coffey(麥可貝恩飾)那樣的領導人提醒大家:Everybody just stay calm. The situation is under control.
Everybody? Listen carefully. Yes, that is a shark. A tiger shark. And yes, he’s behaving a bit aggressively. I want everyone to swim slowly towards me. Do not panic. Nobody is bleeding, are they? Good. You must stay calm. Everything’s almost under control. I’m trained to handle situations like this. We’re going to form a circle and face out. Good. Tiger sharks will eat almost anything, but they don’t usually attack humans. I mean, it’s rare. If he does happen to come in, punch him in the gills.