目前分類:我是歌癡所以愛聽歌 (118)
發表時間 | 文章標題 | 人氣 | 留言 |
2009-04-20 | 李雲迪鋼琴獨奏會 | (978) | (0) |
2008-12-21 | Times of Your Life | (175) | (0) |
2008-12-20 | 最幸福的事 | (170) | (1) |
2008-12-13 | Here comes the sun | (3143) | (0) |
2008-12-07 | 火花 | (209) | (0) |
2008-11-04 | 拾參樂團 / 輕輕的說(試聽片) | (162) | (0) |
2008-11-04 | 拾參樂團 / 別說再見 | (486) | (0) |
2008-11-04 | 拾參樂團 / 馬臉水手的夏天 | (102) | (0) |
2008-11-02 | 歡樂頌 / 馬友友與友人的音樂禮讚 | (346) | (0) |
2008-06-30 | The Heart Of The Matter | (1829) | (0) |
2008-06-21 | Bye Bye | (182) | (0) |
2008-06-20 | 衝動 | (131) | (1) |
2008-06-08 | Believe | (331) | (2) |
2008-06-01 | He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother | (1048) | (2) |
2008-06-01 | 藍色漸層 | (218) | (2) |
2008-05-21 | Fix You | (186) | (1) |
2008-05-18 | 百分百 | (152) | (4) |
2008-05-15 | Fallen | (158) | (0) |
2008-04-15 | 最長的電影 | (204) | (2) |
2008-04-13 | 蒲公英的約定 | (159) | (1) |
2008-04-09 | In my dream | (184) | (0) |
2008-03-29 | Wish on my star | (199) | (1) |
2008-02-04 | Slow Me Down | (200) | (1) |
2008-01-27 | 遠行 | (487) | (2) |
2008-01-27 | The Story | (155) | (1) |
2008-01-14 | 我很好 音樂短片 | (94) | (1) |
2007-12-24 | 聖誕節氣氛的歌曲 | (2275) | (0) |
2007-10-28 | 旋轉門 | (160) | (2) |
2007-10-26 | 見えない星(看不見的星星) | (269) | (0) |
2007-10-11 | The Music of The Grand Canyon | (300) | (0) |
2007-10-05 | 親吻寂寞旅人 | (431) | (0) |
2007-09-30 | 當你離開的時候 | (205) | (0) |
2007-09-21 | 好久不見 | (155) | (0) |
2007-09-10 | 新月(三日月) | (416) | (4) |
2007-09-07 | Jewelry day | (249) | (2) |
2007-08-27 | 紅豆 | (155) | (5) |
2007-08-27 | 親愛的 | (138) | (0) |
2007-08-09 | In the morning | (204) | (1) |
2007-07-31 | The Daydream 3rd Album - Melody Tree | (446) | (0) |
2007-07-31 | The Daydream 2nd Album - Little Comfort | (558) | (0) |
2007-07-31 | The Daydream 1st Album - Dreaming | (322) | (0) |
2007-07-30 | 大男人小女孩 | (334) | (0) |
2007-07-23 | 101封情書 | (136) | (1) |
2007-07-18 | 思念是一種病 | (173) | (2) |
2007-07-16 | Last Order | (167) | (2) |
2007-07-16 | Creep | (141) | (0) |
2007-07-07 | 我不想忘記你 | (204) | (4) |
2007-07-05 | 不能說的.秘密 | (172) | (0) |
2007-07-02 | 明日晴れるかな | (499) | (3) |
2007-06-28 | Christina | (166) | (5) |